MinWindow Minimize a Window Form1* Label3D1 Label3D List1 Label2 /Select a Window to Minimize then press Minimize Minim Minimize SetWinFlagsv WF_CPU286 WF_CPU386T WF_CPU486 WF_STANDARD( WF_ENHANCED WF_80x87 Form_Click Form_GotFocus WInFlagsp GetWinFlags9 Label1 Label1_Click+ caption @ Form_Load@ GetVersion$ WinVer DosVer label3 label2 GetSystemMetrics nIndex SM_MOUSEPRESENT, Label4 GetDeviceCaps PLANES BITSPIXEL Label5 GetProfileString3 Sname Knamey Default nSize FindAppX Label6 GetWindowsDirectory Command1_Clicku WinDir_Click WinPath4 Label5_Click GetModuleHandle Filename Filename_ClickD GetModuleFileName hModule Label6_Click GetModuleUsage numusedl Label7 Actwin GetActiveWindow hand. GetNextWindow Wflag Nextwin DONextwin GetNumTasks RetstrH GetWindowText lebel2 GetParent> GetTopWindow Label8 GetWindowTask label9caption> Label90 Label10 Label11 label IsWindow IsWindowVisible IsIconic IsWindowEnabled isitx IsChild) hWndParentx chldX Restr Form_Paint Isicon form1K @ Out_Click ShowWindow nCmdShow Showits iconmin7 Minim_Click~ index minit SW_HIDE SW_SHOWNORMALm SW_NORMAL SW_SHOWMINIMIZED SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED SW_MAXIMIZE3 SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE SW_SHOWB SW_MINIMIZEe SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE" SW_SHOWNA SW_RESTORE GW_HWNDFIRST GW_HWNDLAST GW_HWNDNEXT GW_HWNDPREV GW_OWNER GW_CHILDB IsMax LenRetStrK IsVis, Kwindow MinWindow+ IsZoomed text1_ text2 Nexwin Kwindlw enabled FALSEa backcolor BLACK Oldcolor Label1_Change Label1_DragOver Source State Oldindex List1_Click List1 Label2_Click listindex removeindexU ErrorDemop Errorhandler UserError IsChld@ RETCODE RETNAMEf GetTsk IsEnab Numstr reterr Form_Load Find all Parentsa Get the next window w should be this window Is it minimized?* no so add to list Cycle all windows until end Is minimized* Is visiblee only non-icons please want visible windows want parents only is parent so add it initialize again2 Don't show this window, it's this one!e Out_Click Minim_Click Set up error handler. Capture the list box text, stripx window number from string and call Minimize function. Some topi stay visible windows may give overm flow error, so trap them. After minimizef remove entry from list. Cannot minimize this Window" List1_Click capture the selected window Command1_Click ErrorDemoo